Wednesday, February 1, 2017 
09:30 AM - 10:15 AM
Level: | Business/Strategic
There is much discussion about the value of contextual awareness for mobile devices but much less about the often extremely valuable context that enterprises can apply to the rapidly growing data generated by IoT devices and sensor networks. This resulting richly contextualized enterprise data can then drive powerful predictive and prescriptive analytics to enable enterprises to deliver better service for their customers in a wide variety of fields.
This presentation will use case studies to illustrate how some leading organizations are applying enterprise contextual computing to synthesize rich situational awareness and drive better outcomes for their stakeholders. Examples will be drawn from, among others: - Healthcare
- Smart Cities
- Utilities
During the past 17 years, Kevin Schofield has led ADRM Software to its current position as the leading independent provider of comprehensive industry-specific data models. He has had the privilege to work directly with most of ADRM’s customers across a wide variety of industries in 18 countries around the world to ensure that their diverse and evolving analytic requirements are met now and in the future through the use of large-scale industry-specific data models to accelerate the deployment of large scale DW and analytic infrastructures across diverse platforms, while reducing risk and benefiting from best practices and lessons learned at other similar large organizations.